What kind of data security can I expect?

Our project management and billing platform is fortified with bank-grade security measures, ensuring your data remains protected at all times.
Written by Crystal
Updated 9 months ago

Safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality of your data is paramount at Lawfecta. Every member of our staff is bound by a comprehensive confidentiality agreement, which strictly prohibits any form of disclosure or misuse of client information or intellectual property.

Furthering our commitment to data protection, all our Team Members undergo rigorous cybersecurity awareness training. This program familiarizes them with various cybersecurity threats and equips them with knowledge on best practices to mitigate these risks. They are trained in password policies, web protection, email security, and identification of social threats and malware.

Our project management and billing platform is fortified with bank-grade security measures, ensuring your data remains protected at all times. Firewalls act as an additional layer of defense, and access to your data is strictly limited to authorized account administrators when absolutely necessary.

Active monitoring of our infrastructure is a continuous process at Lawfecta, as we strive to maintain consistent, reliable performance and service availability. Our relentless commitment to data security is manifested in our ongoing efforts to further bolster the security mechanisms we have in place.

Moreover, we encourage the use of cloud-based storage platforms, such as Dropbox and Google Drive, to store information and files. These platforms ensure that no data is ever lost, and your sensitive information is not stored on any individual's personal computer.

To streamline this process, we offer easy-to-use links to Dropbox and Google Drive from our website. Furthermore, you can avail a 20% discount off your first year of service with Google Drive using the link provided on our site:

  • Dropbox (https://lawfecta.com/Dropbox)
  • Google Drive (https://lawfecta.com/GSuite - get 20% off of your first year of service).

In essence, at Lawfecta, we take your data security seriously and employ a multifaceted approach to ensure the highest level of protection for your valuable information.

This means that nothing will get lost, and your sensitive information is not stored on a personal computer.

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