What is the recommended approach for clients signing up for a subscription with Lawfecta?

Starting with a less intensive subscription allows you to understand your new working relationship, manage expectations, and evaluate the type and volume of work your Team Member can handle.
Written by Stacey M. Lake
Updated 9 months ago

When you first decide to engage with a Lawfecta Team Member through our subscription service, we recommend starting with a lower-tier plan before gradually increasing your subscription level. This moderate approach allows you to gauge your specific needs and the optimal amount of support your firm requires.

Starting with a less intensive subscription allows you to understand your new working relationship, manage expectations, and evaluate the type and volume of work your Team Member can handle. This process will also enable your Team Member to get accustomed to your firm's operations, work style, and expectations.

As the collaboration evolves and the Team Member becomes more integrated into your operations, you may find that you need more dedicated hours. At this point, you can comfortably and confidently adjust your subscription level to reflect the increased support.

Remember, our goal at Lawfecta is to provide flexible, efficient, and high-quality support that caters to the unique needs of your firm. We want to ensure that your chosen subscription level provides value and meets your firm's requirements without unnecessary expense or underutilized resources.

Take the time to understand your needs, adjust your subscription level accordingly, and make the most of your partnership with Lawfecta.

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