Can my Team Member pay costs and expenses associated with a task for me?

Written by Robin Ford
Updated 2 years ago

You are responsible for payment of costs before incurred on your behalf including, but not limited to, photocopying costs, postage, mileage, and fees and expenses for any experts hired on your behalf. Lawfecta will not advance any costs and expenses and our Team Members are not authorized to pay for or advance any costs and expenses out-of-pocket on our clients behalf.

If you want your Team Member to pay costs and expenses on your behalf, you will need to provide them with a payment method (credit card or account) to do so.

For postage, we recommend setting up a  or account that your Team Member can access to print postage paid for by you. For supplies, we suggest creating a wishlist on Amazon (or other company websites) that you can access and purchase the supplies to be mailed to your Team Member.

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