How is Lawfecta+ different from Lawfecta’s direct services?

A key difference lies in the guarantees we can offer. With Lawfecta’s team members, we assure quality control, consistency in work product, and transparent, competitive pricing.
Written by Stacey M. Lake
Updated 5 months ago

While Lawfecta’s direct services involve working with our in-house team of vetted virtual paralegals, Lawfecta+ offers access to a variety of independent third-party agencies. These agencies extend the range of specialized services and expertise available, providing more diverse legal support options than Lawfecta's own team.

A key difference lies in the guarantees we can offer. With Lawfecta’s team members, we assure quality control, consistency in work product, and transparent, competitive pricing. Our in-house professionals are thoroughly vetted and trained to meet Lawfecta’s high standards, ensuring reliable and top-tier legal support.

In contrast, while Lawfecta+ allows for a broader selection of services and expertise through third-party agencies, Lawfecta does not directly manage these agencies. Therefore, we cannot extend the same guarantees regarding the quality of work product, pricing, and service consistency as we do with our own team members. Attorneys using Lawfecta+ are encouraged to conduct their due diligence and communicate their expectations clearly to ensure their needs are met by the chosen third-party agency. Lawfecta+ is ideal for those seeking specific or varied expertise outside our direct scope and willing to explore a wider network of legal support options.

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